Innovatives ideas that work together

Cycling Projects, a national UK cycling charity which promotes inclusive cycling, has joined forces with Gloucestershire based Queen’s award winner trike manufacturers Tomcat SNI Ltd, to design an affordable quality range of trikes.

The trike named ‘the Dragon’ is a robust, stable and affordable single speed trike for independent teenagers and adults up to 125kg and is ideally suited to multi-user environments.


Tomcat has been supportive of the work of Cycling Projects Wheels for All sessions over the last few years, attending regular sessions and events with children’s and adult adapted cycles; this has helped the charity to identify the types of adapted cycles needed in such diverse multi-user environments, and to design and create a new product that meet the needs of those that Cycling Projects regularly work with.

Ian Tierney, Charity Director says,

“We first started a conversation with Tomcat about six months ago about collaborating on a trike design that better suits our end users. Using our many years of expertise and insight of inclusive cycling sessions we recognised what was lacking in our existing trike provisions and combining this with the skill and innovative design capabilities of Tomcat, we’ve produced a trike that everybody wants to ride!”

About the Dragon (technical specification):

Its comfortable bucket seat slides smoothly and easily between user heights of 144cm to 188cm while the rider stays seated, a feature that is essential in multi user environments.  It has a fixed drive as standard, with freewheel or “Switchable, Dual-Drive™” if preferred.

With Tomcats customary emphasis on safety, the Dragon features self-centralising steering, a lap strap with “car” type buckle, front and rear braking (for “road legal” use) and a very low step-through for safe and easy access.

To eliminate troublesome tripping hazards such as the chain and guard, the chain runs through the frame on full length nylon guides where it is out of sight, out of mind, totally silent and very easy to adjust or renew.

For easier transport, the Dragon offers optional folding handlebars, a folding frame and a removable seat with no tools required.

Bob Griffin, founder and MD of Tomcat concludes:

“The physiology of the human body largely dictates the design of any cycling device; therefore, most trikes share very similar geometry; but despite this, some are nicer to ride than others.

The reasons why can be difficult to pinpoint, but predictability is often key.  If your trike rides as expected in every situation, you’ll have the confidence to enjoy the ride instead of worrying about safety and stability and I believe that is what is making the Dragon such a success at Wheels for All. 

With the Dragon design, we avoided frame assembly and adjustment joints that can cause unexpected movement and sway at seat level, in favour of a more rigid frame design.  To that we added our (patent pending) Steering Self-Centralising System, which, like a car, always tries to return the steering to straight ahead.  The result is a trike that performs just as expected on every bump, slope and corner; so, a great outcome to an interesting project for all concerned.”

The Tomcat Dragon is currently available to try at Midland Mencap Parkride sessions at Sutton Coldfied, other locations are yet to be confirmed. Visit to find your nearest inclusive cycling session.  Visit the Tomcat Dragon page for further information about the organisations range of innovative trikes.